Signing Up +
What is the Donsje Loyalty Program?
The Donsje Loyalty Program is designed to reward our most valued customers with exclusive benefits. As a member, you can earn points on every purchase (€1 = 1 point) which can be redeemed for gifts, special discounts, and unique experiences. Additionally, members can earn bonus points by engaging with us on social media, writing reviews, and subscribing to our newsletter. As you shop more, you’ll level up in our loyalty tiers, unlocking benefits like free shipping, early access to collections, exclusive promotions, and event invitations. Join the program to enjoy all the perks we have in store and make every purchase with Donsje even more rewarding.
How do I sign up for the Donsje loyalty program?
Create an account by clicking here and entering your name, email, and password. You’ll be automatically signed up to receive exclusive access to new collections, special promotions, and you will start earning points with your purchases. If you already have an account with us, you are already enrolled in our rewards program. Just log in, visit your account page, and discover the benefits that await.
What is the Donsje Loyalty Program?
Account +
I already have an account. Do I need to create a new one to earn rewards?
Customers with an active account are automatically enrolled in our loyalty program and are placed in the Bronze tier. If you already have an account, just log in to start earning rewards on your next purchase.
I placed an order without first creating a customer account. If I create an account in the future, will I have access to the loyalty program?
To participate in our loyalty program, you need to have a customer account. While you can create an account at any time, please note that points are only earned from the moment your account is active. If you have any specific questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us at info@donsje.com.
Will I receive points for purchases made before creating my loyalty account?
Points are only awarded for purchases made after the loyalty program was launched. If you created an account before the program started, you’ll begin earning points from the moment the program was introduced. Be sure to log in and visit your account page to check your points balance!
What if I have an old email address or multiple email addresses and want to combine my accounts & earnings?
To make the most of our loyalty program, we recommend using a single email address for all your purchases so your points stay together in one account. This way, you’ll easily keep track of your earnings and enjoy all the rewards. If you need help or have questions, our team is here to support you at info@donsje.com.
I already have an account. Do I need to create a new one to earn rewards?
Earning & Redeeming +
My purchase does not appear on my points balance. What should I do?
Make sure you were signed into your loyalty account when placing your order; points can only be earned when logged in. If your recent purchase doesn’t appear in your points balance, check the Order History section in your account. If it’s missing, it might be due to a mismatch between the email used for the order and your loyalty account email. For in-store purchases, our team may have already added the points. If not, you can upload your receipt on your account page. For further assistance, please contact us at info@donsje.com.
How can I view my current points balance?
You can view your available points by logging into your account page, where your points balance will be displayed.
How do I redeem my rewards at checkout?
You earn 1 point for every €1 you spend. Once you've accumulated enough points, you can redeem them for gifts! Simply visit your account page, select 'REDEEM POINTS FOR GIFTS' to view available options. Choose the gift you'd like and add it to your cart. Please note that to receive your gift, you must have at least one purchased item in your cart.
Do my points expire?
If you go 12 months without making a purchase or earning any points, your points balance will reset, and you'll return to the Bronze tier. Stay active in the program to keep your points and maintain your tier benefits!
Will I be able to use my points/rewards in-store?
Yes! Points earned from both in-store and online purchases will be added to your account and can be used in our stores. Simply provide your account details (name and email) to our team at checkout. They'll be able to see your available points and rewards, and will ask if you'd like to redeem a reward or if you're eligible for an exclusive gift.
Is there a limit to how many points I can earn?
There’s no limit to the points you can earn! The more you shop and engage with us online, the more points you'll collect. The more points you earn, the more rewards you can enjoy.
My purchase does not appear on my points balance. What should I do?
Returns +
What happens if I cancel or receive a refund for all or part of my order?
If you return or cancel your entire order, the points you earned for that order will be deducted from your account. If only part of your order is returned or canceled, the points for those items will be adjusted accordingly. You can view the details of your points history by visiting the "Rewards history" section in your account.
What happens if I cancel or receive a refund for all or part of my order?
Tiers +
How is my VIP tier determined?
Your tier is based on your spending, with each level unlocking special rewards as you go. Your points balance operates on a 'rolling year,' meaning that your status is determined by the points earned over the past 12 months, starting from your most recent purchase.
As a member, you'll begin at the Bronze level, which welcomes you into our loyalty program. Once your spending reaches €250, you’ll advance to Silver, opening the door to even more exclusive benefits. At €750, you'll move up to Gold, and when you reach €1500, you’ll join our Diamond tier, enjoying the highest level of rewards and privileges. -
How do I know which Rewards tier I am currently a member of?
To check your current Rewards tier, simply visit your account page and scroll down to the DONSJE REWARDS PROGRAM section. You'll see a progress bar indicating your tier, along with the benefits available at your level. The bar also shows how many more points you need to reach the next tier.
How long will I remain in my current tier?
Once you reach Silver, Gold, or Diamond, your status will be valid for one year from the date you achieve it. Stay engaged with our program to maintain your tier, or even progress to a higher level.
How is my VIP tier determined?
Troubleshooting +
I should have earned points for my purchase, but my balance hasn’t updated. What should I do?
Rest assured, we want to make sure you earn all the points you deserve. Sometimes, there might be a slight delay in our system, so it can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours for your points to appear. If you're still not seeing your points, try the following:
1. Refresh your browser.
2. Log out and back into your account.
3. Check your ‘Rewards History’ in your account to see if the points were added but haven’t been reflected in your balance yet. This section will show you how and when points were earned, along with any redemptions.
If the issue persists, feel free to reach out to us at info@donsje.com, and we’ll be happy to assist you!
I should have earned points for my purchase, but my balance hasn’t updated. What should I do?
Checkout +
How is my free shipping applied at checkout?
Bronze members are not eligible for free shipping. Silver members receive an exclusive, single-use free shipping code directly in their inbox, which can be applied at checkout. Gold and Diamond members enjoy complimentary shipping on every order, applied automatically at checkout.
If manual assistance is needed please reach out to our support team at info@donsje.com
How is my free shipping applied at checkout?